"We tried to make films that are different from films that never existed before, a movie that can give inspiration to everyone who watched it," said the command of Charles Gozali film during a press conference For a movie Demi Dewi. In addition to Charles, also attended the film advocates that evening Demi Dewi who appeared busy responding to questions of journalists.
Demi Dewi combined between family drama stuffed with action scenes are quite tense. "Rarely in the Indonesian action film yes, that is an action film like this, so get your bid, I immediately accepted because I had never played an action film before, and this is something interesting for me," said Wulan that look more obese because of being pregnant five months.
In addition to the touching story of drama, Demi Dewi also presents scenes that can make us breathless. Even artists Widyawati classmates had revealed his plans kebahagiannya film aired on May 6, 2010. "I am pleased to be playing in this movie, even though his scenes a bit, but I am still proud to be able to join in this movie," said Widyawati an elegant evening look using batik dresses. (Dery)