Based on information compiled Java Post in the field, Krisdayanti will argue wedding reception at the beginning of the year. Between January and February 2011. "Yes, there are already receiving the invitation. But, most have not received," said one neighbor Krisdayanti, who requested anonymity.
Meanwhile, Chairman of RT 04 RW 01, Rahmadi said he had not issued a certificate request to be married than Krisdayanti. According Rahmadi, ideally, the letters are taken care of at least a week before the marriage ceremony performed. "To date I have not met Krisdayanti, let alone to ask for marriage certificate," she said yesterday (17/12).
If Krisdayanti is known later married before taking care of a certificate, Rahmadi states are entitled to remind the citizens. "But, if not married, yes, I have no right to do anything," she added.
Anang Hermansyah, Krisdayanti former husband, said that fully supports Krisdayanti wedding plans with Raul. "God willing, if indeed it has become a good decision for Yanti, I'm very supportive," she said, when contacted in a separate place.
Anand hopes, all the Krisdayanti plan could run smoothly. He also added that Krisdayanti must think long-term plans related to the two children, Titania Aurelie Hermansyah and Azriel Akbar Hermansyah. (nuq/c7/tia/www.jpnn.com)