In the study ahead of her wedding ceremony, Risty Tagor do sungkem on both parents.By wearing a white Muslim dress and white veil, a thin makeup and hair tied up, Risty seem appropriate with both parents who wear Muslim dress uniform was also colored white.
Allowed journalists themselves are not included in the event. However, the family showed their personal documentation after the event finished. Indeed, in the documentation that indicated the family told reporters, Looking Risty crying sobbing Pls prostration and apologized to his Parents
"I apologize profusely to Mama and Papa. As human beings are not perfect, I do not make mistakes at times. A lot of tears that Mom and Dad out for me. For all that Papa and Mama gave, thanks for raising me until I was like today. Tomorrow, God willing, October 2 Risty will officially become the wife of Rifky Balweel. Before I ask permission to sail home. I'm very affectionate and love with Mama and Papa, " Risty said while sobbing and fell down on both Parents